Ayn Rand's Timeless Warning About the Collapse of America's Educational System

If only a brilliant philosopher had consistently warned us decades ago about the degradation of America's university system and its resulting catastrophic fallout. A must-watch montage featuring philosopher and author Ayn Rand correctly predicting the problems America would experience due to what is being taught at its educational institutions.
The Canary In The Coal Mine
Decades ago, a brilliant philosopher and author, Ayn Rand, consistently warned us about the degradation of America's university system and its catastrophic fallout. Rand foresaw the issues that would arise if society prioritized collectivism, altruism, and self-sacrifice while punishing achievement and individualism.
Rand consistently pointed to the issues that America's educational system will face in the future if society prioritizes collectivism, altruism, self sacrifice and punishes achievement and individualism.
In her 1979 appearance as a guest on 'The Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder', Rand articulated her concerns:
"I feel that this country is being destroyed by its philosophy. Specifically, by its universities. The most dangerous thing in this country today are the universities, because they are teaching the kind of ideas that would necessarily have to lead to the destruction of this country."
"I think that American people is too good for that kind of program"
She believed that the American people were too principled to succumb to such a program, yet she noted the peril in the teachings of prestigious institutions.
"Today, when all those institutions from Harvard on down are preaching collectivism, mysticism, and above all; altruism. Self-sacrifice of yourself. The giving up, the resignation. All the disgusting kind of ideas that the whole world has been nurturing for centuries, when they do that, this country can't survive."
In her final public lecture at a 1981 National Committee for Monetary Reform conference in New Orleans, Rand identified the universities as the "sources and centers of today's philosophical corruption," reiterating their role in propagating dangerous ideologies, while penalizing virtue. She warned that the ideas prevalent in higher education were designed to strip individuals of their autonomy and subjugate them to dictatorship.
"The sources and centers of today's philosophical corruption are the universities."
"All the conditions and ideas necessary to turn man into abjectly helpless serfs of dictatorship, rule the institutes of today's higher education as a tight monopoly with very few and rare exceptions. Hatred of reason and worship of blind emotions. Hatred of success and worship of self-sacrifice. Hatred of the individual and worship of the collective. These are notions that dominate today's universities."
Reflecting on Rand's warning from over 45 years ago, one can only ask, why didn't we listen? Despite her clear foresight, the very issues she predicted have come to pass. The answer may lie in the difficulty of changing entrenched institutional philosophies, the challenge of recognizing and valuing individualism in a culture increasingly focused on collectivism, and perhaps a failure to heed warnings from those who challenge prevailing norms.