Elon Musk Ignites Butler Rally with Epic Battle Cry Urging America to Fight! Fight! Fight!

Elon's MAGA Moment in Butler
There are certain moments in history that leave an indelible mark, and this was undoubtedly one of them.
Will you remember where you were when you witnessed this defining moment in American politics
Etook the stage at the Butler rally with the determination of a man on a mission, passionately urging the crowd to rally behind bringing President Trump back to the White House, while sounding the alarm on the catastrophic consequences that will unfold if this critical mission fails.
"Hi everyone! As you can see, I'm not just MAGA, I'm DARK MAGA."
"Well, first of all, I want to say what an honor it is to be here, and you know, the true test of someone's character is how they behave under fire. And we had one president who couldn't climb a flight of stairs and another who was fist-pumping after getting shot."
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Blood coming down the face. Now, America is the home of the brave, and there's no truer test than courage under fire. So who do you want representing America? Absolutely."
"I think this election is the most important election of our lifetime. This is no ordinary election. The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote effectively."
"You got 14 states now that don't require voter ID. California, where I used to live, just passed a law banning voter ID for voting. I still can't believe that's real. So how are you supposed to have a proper election if there's no ID? It's meaningless."
"And free speech—free speech is the bedrock of democracy. And if people don't know what's going on, if they don't know the truth, how can you make an informed vote? You must have free speech in order to have democracy. That's why it's the First Amendment. And the Second Amendment is there to ensure that we have the First Amendment."
"President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America. Yes."
"This is a must-win situation. MUST WIN."
"So I have one ask for everyone in the audience, everyone who watches this video, and everyone on the livestream. This one request is very important. Register to vote. Okay?"
"And get everyone you know and everyone you don't know. Drag them to register to vote. There's only two days left to register to vote in Georgia and Arizona. 48 hours. Like text people now, and then make sure they actually do vote."
"If they don't, this will be the last election. That's my prediction. Nothing's more important. NOTHING'S more important."
"So get everyone you know. EVERYONE. The crowd, I think, is already convinced, but for people out there that are watching the video, watching the livestream, you need to get everyone you know at work, your friends, family, text groups, social media, everything. Get them to register to vote right now."
"Only two days left for Georgia and Arizona. Only a couple of weeks left in Pennsylvania. And if they're not registered to vote, it doesn't matter at that point. Register to vote. I'm being repetitive for a reason. So nothing is more important."
"A lot of people think maybe their vote doesn't count. Well, it does. Okay? It does. It matters. This election could be decided by a thousand votes, 500 votes, a tiny margin. So get everyone you know to register to vote. I believe it's swapthevote[dot]com."
"Double check that your registration is good. Don’t take it for granted. I'm being repetitive about this point because the one takeaway, the one thing that will matter is getting those registrations and then getting everyone you know to actually vote. That is what will decide this election, especially in Pennsylvania."
"So thank you. And honestly, you want to just be a pest. Just be a pest to everyone you know, people on the street, everywhere."
"Thank you."