Jeffrey Sachs Unveils the Biden-Putin Summit's Hidden Impact on Ukraine's Fate

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, economist Jeffrey Sachs discussed the Ukraine war, highlighting a crucial 2021 meeting between President Biden and Vladimir Putin. Sachs revealed that Putin proposed a draft for a Russia-U.S. security agreement after the meeting. However, the Biden Administration ignored this diplomatic effort and refused to negotiate. According to Sachs, this dismissal of potential diplomacy significantly contributed to the devastating war in Ukraine.
Sachs Explains How Biden Could Have Potentially Averted the Full Scale War Between Ukraine and Russia
American economist and public policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs recently sat down with Tucker Carlson for a discussion that covered a wide range of topics, including the Cold War, CIA coups around the world, and COVID’s origin. One critical subject Sachs addressed was the war in Ukraine, specifically America's involvement through NATO.
Sachs recounted that in December 2021, President Putin met with President Biden. Following this meeting, Putin proposed a draft for a Russia-United States security agreement. This negotiable document highlighted Russia's concerns regarding NATO's expansion in Europe.
"The core of it was stop the NATO enlargement. And I called the White House myself at that point and said; 'Don't have a war over this'. I talked to Jake Sullivan, and I said; 'Don't have a war over this. We don't need NATO enlargement for U.S. security.' "
Sachs argued that the United States did not need NATO expansion for its security. In fact, he believed that such expansion was counterproductive to U.S. security.
"The U.S. should not be right up against the Russian border. That's how we trip ourselves into WWIII."
Despite Sachs' warnings, Sullivan dismissed his concerns, assuring him that there would be no war over the issue.
According to Sachs, the United States' formal response to the proposed treaty was that NATO issues are "non-negotiable" and strictly a matter between NATO countries and NATO candidates, effectively excluding Russia from any discussions.