Tucker Carlson Explains The Importance of Trusting Your Instincts

Always Trust Your Gut
Tucker Carlson has long been known for his no-nonsense approach to politics and culture. During last night's monologue in Sunrise, FL, he honed in on a theme close to his heart: trusting your instincts. Tucker started with a powerful reminder of the innate wisdom we all possess, calling it a God-given gift.
"I tell my kids this all the time and I really mean it. Your instincts are designed to protect you. They were given to you by God, at birth, with one job."
Tucker explained how instincts are not concerned with material gain, but solely with survival and well-being.
"Your instincts are not trying to get rich. Your instincts only exist to protect and serve you. That's it. They're the most reliable guide you have, so TRUST THEM."
Within the same vein, Tucker delved into the deliberate manipulation of perception in today's society by the powers that be.
"All of the noise——All of it, is designed to get you to ignore what's obvious. And they do that for two reasons. One, there's a certain power in trip involved in lying to people in a way that's so obvious they knew it's a lie, but making them believe it anyway."
This insight opens the door to a deeper concern—how people are made to feel isolated for recognizing what they know to be true.
"The second thing is that they try to make you feel like there's something wrong with you. That you're in some weird minority of people, like some freaky subcategory. That just doesn't want to castrate kids."
Carlson then moved on to a more personal anecdote, where he applied his advice to real-life figures, including Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
"You cannot allow them to do that, and as I always tell my kids, you know. For example if you're talking to someone and you get the creepy vibe."
"Like Tim Walz——I'm just throwing that out there."
"I've never met Tim Walz. But the first second I was like, man——I don't have enough evidence to indict you, I'm not going to. But you're a creep. I went to boarding school in New England in the 1980s, you are my dorm master, I know exactly who you are. There's no reason for you to be in the shower Tim, please leave."
Without needing to point out a specific example of Walz's creepiness, Tucker detailed the importance of trusting your gut.
"I'm not going to accuse him of anything specific, I have zero evidence and I'm not going to bring charges against him because I can't. Right, that's a process that requires proof, I don't have proof. All I have is my spidey senses and they're never wrong."
"I always tell that to my children. Don't let anyone convince you you're wrong. You're never wrong. Don't attack the person, just get away fast. And don't get into his van. EVER."
According to Tucker, this same innate reaction which exists within all of us, can all be applies to deception and truth.
"The same is also true for deception. I don't know what you're lying about but I know you're lying. I can feel it. All of us have that power. We were born with it. We can smell deception and we know when someone's telling the truth."