Hispanic shift toward Trump drove his momentum in Northeastern Democratic strongholds

In the 2024 election, President-elect Donald Trump achieved significant gains among Hispanic and Asian voters, leading to notable shifts in traditional Democratic strongholds in the Northeast. Trump improved his support among Latinos nationwide, jumping from 32% in 2020 to 45% in 2024, with even stronger gains among Latino men. This shift was particularly visible in New York and New Jersey, where Trump closed the gap with Democrats, coming within 11 points of winning New York and just 5 points in New Jersey. Key areas like Queens, Nassau County, and Hudson County saw marked increases in Republican support, largely due to disillusionment with economic conditions and lack of affordable housing under Democratic policies. Trump also saw stronger support in states like Connecticut and Rhode Island. This realignment underscores a growing Hispanic and minority base within the GOP, signaling potential challenges for Democrats in urban, traditionally blue areas.