RNC Scores Major Victory in Lawsuit Exposing Detroit’s Blatant Discrimination

In a major victory for the Republican National Committee (RNC) and Michigan GOP, a lawsuit challenging Detroit's hiring practices for poll workers has been successful. The lawsuit exposed the city's failure to comply with Michigan law, which requires an equal number of election inspectors from both major political parties. Detroit hired only 52 Republican poll workers out of 675 nominated by the GOP, compared to over 2,300 Democrats, creating a 7-to-1 imbalance. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump condemned the city’s hiring practices, calling them "bad-faith Democrat interference" that erodes trust in elections. The court ruling forces Detroit to revise its hiring strategy to ensure a more balanced representation of Republican and Democratic poll workers. The lawsuit is part of a broader effort by the RNC to secure election integrity nationwide. A similar lawsuit has been filed in Georgia, where Fulton County has also been accused of excluding Republican poll workers.